The Modern
Marketing Method

Say "good-bye" to outdated marketing strategies and "HELLO!" to more clients, more fun and more
profits in your photography business!

Marketing doesn't have to feel "salesy"!

You can use your marketing channels to serve your clients in a way
that feels good while boosting your SEO, growing your social media and
booking your calendar!

Let me show you how!

In This Free 30 Minute Training You Will Learn:

What modern marketing is and what marketing is NOT!

The difference between traditional marketing and modern marketing.

My proven 3 step marketing method that has transformed the business of hundreds of photographers around the world

I'm Sandra Coan

I started my business as a side-hustle in 1999.

I grew my business to a multiple six-figures by creating a system for branding and marketing that helped me stand out despite the saturated industry.

Now I teach that system to photographers from around the world so they can do the same.

My system works! And I'd love to share it with you.

Sign up for today's training to learn more!

See what my students have to say!

Stop wasting your time and money on marketing tactics that don't work! Click below to learn a better way!

Proud to be supported by some of the best brands in the industry: